Rates and Information
All services offered on a suggested sliding scale rate of $125-250 per hr
If those rates don’t align for you at this time, please email me with a rate you can offer!
Payments via Venmo or PayPal preferred, alternate methods available on request
Payment must be received in full at least one week prior to our session to confirm your slot.
Mediumship + Creativity Readings are offered via Zoom
Home + Space Clearings are in-person visits available to vaccinated querents within the NY Area only. Masks and social distancing required. Please consider travel time when making your offering. Thank you!
What exactly is a Psychic Medium?
Mediums use our psychic senses to connect the material realm to the spirit realm. Not all psychics are mediums, but all mediums are psychic! By tuning into my psychic senses, I use mediumship to share messages between the sitter (that's you!) and loved ones who have passed, spirit guides, angels, spirit animals, and other nonphysical entities.
Psychic refers to the spiritual or "clair," meaning clear, senses. Most commonly we hear about clairvoyance, which would be spiritual or clear seeing, but there are as many clair senses as physical senses (more info on that here!). Every psychic is different, and I am particularly tuned into clairaudience, clairsentience, clairempathy, clairvoyance, and clairgustance. Psychic senses operate from physical sense to physical sense in the material realm, and every human being has access to them!
Can I request to talk with a specific person who has passed on?
I cannot guarantee that any specific person can come through from the spirit realm. Think of mediumship less like picking up a phone and dialing someone, and more like tuning into a radio station while driving a car... if we're all in the right place at the right time, we can tune in and the connection will be loud and clear, but I can't summon someone by will. Having an open heart and setting an intention in advance of the reading about connecting with a specific person can help strengthen the contact with spirit, but again, there's no guarantee.
Can you tell the future?
Nope! Spirit always sends through the messages we need to hear, but not necessarily always what we want to hear. If something feels important to pass on, spirit will let us know, and I will translate that information with as much fidelity as possible. But the future is unwritten... we all have free will! We can do whatever we want with the information that comes through, which means the future is up to us. Plus, no spoilers.
How does this work?
After our prayer of protection, I open my internal channel, and spirit speaks to you through me by using symbols, scents, touch, feelings, a sense of knowing... all of my psychic senses. I act as a translator to deliver the messages that will be the most helpful to you in love and light, to offer you whatever advancements Spirit wishes to relay to you for your personal journey. Decoding what spirit is communicating is not a straightforward science, it's an art! Lots of what I say may not make any sense at all, so your feelings, your personal experience, and your first gut reactions are an integral part of the communication process. I'll ask you some questions to guide spirit's language through me to you as fluidly as possible in the way that is the most meaningful for you.
Is talking to spirits... contagious?
Nope! Everyone has access to psychic abilities and anyone can train to hone them or become a medium! Some people do report new types of awareness of your surroundings after a reading. If you're curious and open to the world of spirit, there are lots of great resources online, and connecting with other mediums is a great place to start!
What if I don't believe in all this stuff?
That's okay! Believe whatever you like. If you arrive to your reading with an open heart and an open mind, at the very least you'll walk away having had an interesting thought experiment and a hopefully a moving conversation.
How did you get into all this?
I had my first spiritual awakening in 1998 at the age of 15. A friend introduced me to her bygone relatives who had been inhabiting her family home several generations after they had passed. After some undeniable encounters with her spirit ancestors, I was startled, but very intrigued, and immediately drawn in. When I went home that night, my awareness of the spirits who were present in my own house wildly activated... and my connection with spirit flipped on like a light switch! That house had been built in 1902, and I developed a friendly report with some of the spirits there. I could feel their presence, occasionally saw them, saw objects moving, and often had clairaudient experiences. I felt comforted by their presence and formed relationships with some of the spirits, which for me were welcome friendships.
When I left for college, my interactions with the spirit realm died down for awhile... I simply had other things going on in my life! I maintained an active interest in all things spiritual and paranormal, but it wasn't until the summer of 2019, after moving into an apartment on my own for the first time, did my second spiritual awakening occur. After a year and a half of lots of synchronicity in my life, I felt unusually drawn to revisit the curious corners of my paranormal past. I saw a YouTube video suggesting that if someone suspected they had psychic mediumship abilities to visit a circle of mediums and connect with others who had experience practicing in the field. A quick online search revealed there was a medium meet up the following day... two blocks away from my workplace, beginning fifteen minutes after I got out of work. I attended eagerly as a totally willing beginner, and during the course of the night performed my first two mediumship readings with the guidance of a mentor. The gates to the spirit realm have been available to open for me since then... they flipped on, again, like a light switch! Now I am working vigilantly to create a sustainable practice to share my gifts so that I may be of maximum service to others by connecting them to the realm of spirit in order to help them on their spiritual and creative path.